01 April 2013

Example of Compressive Sensing using Matlab

% l1eq example using linprog
% (l1 minimization with equality constraints).

% Problem definition
% minimise    t(1) + ... + t(n)
% subject to  A*x = b
%             -x - t <= 0
%              x - t <= 0

clear all
close all

% creating a signal
% signal length
N = 512;
% number of spikes in the signal
T = 20;
% number of observations to make
K = 120;

% random +/- 1 signal
x = zeros(N,1);
q = randperm(N);
x(q(1:T)) = sign(randn(T,1));

% measurement matrix
disp('Creating measurment matrix...');
A = randn(K,N);
A = orth(A')';
% observations
y = A*x;

% initial guess = min energy
x0 = A'*y;

% solve the LP
[m, n] = size(A);
f = [zeros(n, 1); ones(n, 1)];
Ai = [-eye(n), -eye(n); eye(n), -eye(n)];
bi = zeros(2*n, 1);
Aeq = [A, zeros(m, n)];
beq = y;
xp = linprog(f, Ai, bi, Aeq, beq);
xp = xp(1:n);

% Quality of reconstruction, difference between x an xp using l2
norma_l2_x = norm(xp-x)

% signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR)
ratio = norm(x)/norm(x - xp)

xlabel('sinal original');
xlabel('Reconstrucao usando linprog');

Juan Gabriel Colonna

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